Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day of School

Not really sure where this summer went to?! Perplexed, in fact, that it is over. A sad end to a busy and beautiful summer - and an exciting start to a school year with new challenges. For the first time ever, the kids are in two different schools. Yesterday, was the first half day of school for our son, and he is a typical teenage boy not wanting his picture taken (in case you cannot tell by the photos). Both kids love school which makes life so much easier. This will be the last year for Ian at this school, it will be filled with 8th grade fun, the joy of being the big kids in the school, and a Washington D.C. trip at the end of the year. Looking forward to the memories we will create this year and working on figuring out where he will attend high school.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summer Ends...School Begins

It doesn't seem as though we had much of a summer this year. At least not to the driver, mom. I was thinking it would be easier as the kids became older; however, some things become easier while others are more challenging. This summer we had Captain's soccer camps at St. Catherine's High School and Prairie for Ian. Red Star (a.k.a. Kenosha United or something like that) summer soccer camp and Prairie's Coach Corey Oakland's summer soccer camp (Ian's favorite). McZ did a summer algebra class at her new high school. Then she did a summer volleyball camp. Last week was volleyball tryouts, which she made the freshman team, and this week has been practices. No vacation at all this summer...not even our annual summer trip to Lake Geneva. Summer just isn't summer like I remember it as a kid.

Back to school is just as I remember it with all the racing around to get supplies and new clothes. My kids don't really need new clothes so we have not done clothes shopping at all. For school supplies I have made two trips already, have an overstock of extras, and will most likely have to return to get more for my high school student.

Speaking of high school...our oldest starts this year and that means I have 2 kids in 2 different schools. Not only 2 different schools, but 2 different districts and cities. That is right! We did School Choice for our daughter McZ which means a commute of about 20 miles to school and 20 miles back home. Yes, it will be challenging juggling two kids, but well worth it. New year, new challenges, new memories, and new friendships!