Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Trinity 8th Grade DC Trip - Day Four and Final

Our final day in DC was bitter sweet.  We began our day with a prayer at the monument in honor of National Day of Prayer.  It was definitely time to leave...but most of us were quite sad the trip came to an end.  Highlights of our day were seeing Eva Longoria at the American History Museum and watching President Obama's helicopter take off from the White House.

Day Four Itinerary:
8 a.m. breakfast
Prayer at the National Monument
Free to roam the museums on the National Mall in small groups (my group chose the American History museum and the art museum)
Tour of the Capital and Senate Floor
Dinner at Dave and Busters

Monday, May 9, 2011

Trinity 8th Grade DC Trip - Day Three

By this time, most of us have recovered and our walking pains are becoming muscle tone...sort of.  This morning it is raining gently as we make our way to the home of George Washington.  Scheduled for the tour today is also the Holocaust Museum, of which you will not find any photographs.  It is a sad visit.  As I wander through the exhibit in absolute silence, I come across the display of Poland....Hitler would also take lives there.  I find Danzig listed and realize I have family in that region.  I showed my daughter and explained to her how real the Holocaust is and that it affects many lives -- including ours.  The architecture of this building is amazing.  You get a true sense of the magnitude of the Holocaust from the moment you step foot onto the front stairs.  Much thought was put into the details of this museum and the horrific crimes committed behind it. 

Day Three Itinerary:
7:30 a.m. breakfast at the hotel
Visit Mt. Vernon, the home of George Washington
Lunch at Mt. Vernon
Visit the Holocaust Memorial Museum
Visit the Newseum (one of my favorites)
Dinner at the Great American Buffet
Ghost and Graveyard Tour of Old Town Alexandria

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Trinity 8th Grade DC Trip - Day Two

After a good night's rest, we all wake up refreshed and ready to walk all day again....kind of.  Upon walking outdoors from our hotel we find it is quite hot and humid.  Stop #1 was at the Capital building for our group photo and a long walk up a very large hill to get into the Capital Building.  So much for feeling refreshed and clean...bring on the humidity and sweat!  We entered the Capital for our tour to find out they were dedicating a statue and so were not doing tours.  Our guide rescheduled the tour for Thursday without a problem though. Day two ended up being a fun day.  Due to our schedule change we did get some extra time to explore the Air and Space Museum.

Day Two Itinerary:
Breakfast at the hotel
Group picture at the base of the U.S. Capital
Tour of the Capital - which was rescheduled for Thursday
Air and Space Museum instead of Capital
Lunch at Union Station
Driving tour of Embassy Row and the National Cathedral
National Zoo
Dinner at Bucca di Beppo
Visit the Lincoln and Korean Monuments

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Trinity 8th Grade Washington DC Trip 2011 - Day 1

My daughter had her 8th grade trip this week to Washington DC which I chaperoned.  To be quite honest, as the time to leave got closer, I was really regretting my decision to go as a chaperone.  Being a business owner without staff makes it quite difficult to leave for any amount of time much less a week.  Plus I had to juggle around who would take our son to school and pick him up.  It all worked out for the best and I ended up thoroughly enjoying myself.

Day One Itinerary:
Arrival in DC after our bus trip at 9 a.m.
Arlington National Cemetary
JFK Grave site
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Changing of the guard
Lunch at Ronald Reagan Building
National Archives
Ford's Theatre and Petersen House
Dinner at Uno Chicago Grill at Union Station
Illuminated tour of Washington's Memorials to include: Jefferson, Vietnam Veterans, and FDR Memorials
Check in to hotel in Fairfax, VA