Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day of School

Not really sure where this summer went to?! Perplexed, in fact, that it is over. A sad end to a busy and beautiful summer - and an exciting start to a school year with new challenges. For the first time ever, the kids are in two different schools. Yesterday, was the first half day of school for our son, and he is a typical teenage boy not wanting his picture taken (in case you cannot tell by the photos). Both kids love school which makes life so much easier. This will be the last year for Ian at this school, it will be filled with 8th grade fun, the joy of being the big kids in the school, and a Washington D.C. trip at the end of the year. Looking forward to the memories we will create this year and working on figuring out where he will attend high school.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summer Ends...School Begins

It doesn't seem as though we had much of a summer this year. At least not to the driver, mom. I was thinking it would be easier as the kids became older; however, some things become easier while others are more challenging. This summer we had Captain's soccer camps at St. Catherine's High School and Prairie for Ian. Red Star (a.k.a. Kenosha United or something like that) summer soccer camp and Prairie's Coach Corey Oakland's summer soccer camp (Ian's favorite). McZ did a summer algebra class at her new high school. Then she did a summer volleyball camp. Last week was volleyball tryouts, which she made the freshman team, and this week has been practices. No vacation at all this summer...not even our annual summer trip to Lake Geneva. Summer just isn't summer like I remember it as a kid.

Back to school is just as I remember it with all the racing around to get supplies and new clothes. My kids don't really need new clothes so we have not done clothes shopping at all. For school supplies I have made two trips already, have an overstock of extras, and will most likely have to return to get more for my high school student.

Speaking of high school...our oldest starts this year and that means I have 2 kids in 2 different schools. Not only 2 different schools, but 2 different districts and cities. That is right! We did School Choice for our daughter McZ which means a commute of about 20 miles to school and 20 miles back home. Yes, it will be challenging juggling two kids, but well worth it. New year, new challenges, new memories, and new friendships!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Finding Passion in Life

For those of you that know me, you know my life is ever-changing and crazy. Looking back, I was a straight A student turned student barely graduating from high school, worked in the insurance industry from high school until about 1996, started an Associate's degree and quit, stayed home with our kids, reinvented myself by catering while the kids were little, went back to work in the ad agency and commercial photography industry, returned to school to actually finish a Bachelor's degree, and then quit my job to run my own artist rep business. Whew!

Unfortunately, I started noticing a pattern in my life changes, and that is pretty much every 2 to 3 years I get bored. I realized just the other day that I haven't really found my true passion in life yet. Or at least not one that fits within my number one priority - our kids. Guess what? I have been running my business for three years now.

I realized just yesterday how much my kids create my priorities for me. Yet it made me kind of nuts yesterday. I love my family dearly. The problem is that I need to love what I am doing and find happiness for me. See yesterday, I had a photo shoot going on that I needed to be at for client-sake. My daughter had to be 25 miles away for her class and my son had to be at soccer camp in the afternoon. So I drove my daughter to class, stopped at Panera to pick up treats for the shoot, got gas in my vehicle, went to the shoot for about 1 1/2 hours, drove to pick up my daughter, had to quick get her makeup (she is a teen and has no makeup left), drop her at home, pick up my son and drop him at soccer, quick meet the photo team for lunch, go back to the studio to shoot, leave an hour later to pick up my son, and then go home to quick order dinner. I was crabby and running on empty...I needed to fill up with some gas myself. What was I thinking? Running a business with kids still at home? And now I want to split my business into two business???

It wouldn't be me if I did things on a whim and not very well thought out. I cannot say "no" and I want to do so much. I realized in my frantic, stressed out driving from point A to B to C to D to Z yesterday that I cannot do everything and do them all well. Life has to stop and I need to smell the roses.

I have purchased the North Star series of books including the journal. The journal has actually been quite helpful after only one week of writing in it. I am starting to see a partner to my passions, strengths, weaknesses, what makes me crazy and what makes me child-like. So my journey to creating a better life for myself in 2011 is moving forward....with a couple of turns off the path and a few readjustments back. My journey will continue with doing right by my business(es), my family and most of all myself. Stay tuned for where my journey continues to take me....honestly....I really am not sure myself.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lisa Leonard Designs

I absolutely love Lisa Leonard's jewelry designs! There is a new necklace for summer on my purchase list - play everyday.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Uncle "Dick"

On August 6, 1994, I married my husband.  The same day, I gained the best aunt and uncle-in-laws in the world - Aunt Karen and Uncle Dick.  To me they are just that - my aunt and uncle. 

Sadly, about last August, Uncle Dick was diagnosed with a form of brain cancer. He has undergone extreme treatments this last year.  Just enough to prolong his life and to give him and his family enough time to just simply enjoy their time together.  Honestly, he probably would have been just fine allowing the cancer to take over back when he was diagnosed, but in the name of love he decided to tolerate treatments, hope for some time, and just be a dad, a husband, friend, uncle, neighbor....Uncle Dick died Wednesday afternoon.

Aunt Karen and Uncle Dick are not just your typical couple.  They share a love of God and of each other like no other person I have ever witnessed do.  My faith is not strong; however, when I am around them I feel the power of faith.  You see, during this whole past year, neither of them have blamed anyone, lost faith, showed anger, or sadness.  No....they loved each other, cherished the little time they knew they had together, prayed, and had faith that Dick would go to a better place.  They celebrated so to speak. 

Karen runs the Leadership Racine program and maintained a constant presence during the program year, was present at meetings, continued doing the work she does so well right from home and never missed a beat.  She would tell me stories about how they would take a walk or go for ice cream together "on a date".  There were no tears...or at least not that I saw....she just kept looking forward, remembering good times, and creating new memories just as if life never threw them a curve ball.

Karen and Dick together are an amazing team and now they are an even stronger team with Karen here with us and Dick leading the way in heaven.  We love you Uncle Dick....may you rest in peace and may Karen find the strength to continue on with the good memories you two created.